March 29, 2008

PEARLS OF WISDOM - Divine Discourses of Srimat Ramdas Babaji Mahasaya

Why hanker for this and that? You have nothing more to ask for as you have got your Sri Gurudeva. Did you ever imagine in your dreams of your present situation? Think of your self. That would be more than enough. You do not deserve, nor can you demand what you have been endowed with.


Every morning after rising one has to tell the Lord — Make me as you would like to. I should not be a slave of my nature. Whenever you are derailed from your desired path by your material senses you must immediately pray to your Lord — Sri Gurudeva to lead you from your sins and temptations towards salvation. For He has the power to free you from the slavery of your senses. Likewise before going to bed think of your wrong doings. You should be sincere in your efforts to get receive His blessings. By swimming along with the tide you would not get anything.


When you are devoid of devotion you are left with nothing. This applies to both the material world as well as the world of religion. In the material world after we are disillusioned we turn devoted. In the world of religion devotion is must since the beginning. Surrender self. Everything belongs to the Lord.


VAISHNAVISM is not easy. Embracing the lowest rungs of society is Vaishnavism


Those who renounce everything take His shelter. They can leave everything for Him. But the materialistic man leaves Him for his family.
When a sapling is planted, a fence is built around it. When the fence is loosened the sapling can be easily destroyed. Devotion is like a fence and discipline is like a guard. Only fencing will not do. One has to guard the sapling from other elements too. When the sapling transforms into a tree it gives shelter to those who could have destroyed it earlier.


It is said that one who falls on the ground gets up from the same ground Likewise the person you have wronged is the only one who can pardon you.


( From Dhimahi 2006 - Annual Vaishanava Magazine publication from Nityananda Birthsite Ekachakra Dham - Birbhum West Bengal by Srimat Jivasaran Das Babaji )

1 comment:

skippy longbeach said...

Oh goodness! So beautiful!! I love the earthy/divine wisdom of Babaji Maharaj! Thank you so much! Just what I needed to hear.
Nitai Nitai!!